BS Industrial Engineering, Mapúa Institute of Technology (Philippines)
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Motivation for Fitness:
Lyzz moved to the United States from Manila, Philippines in 2008 and began gaining weight quickly as the result of her inactive lifestyle. In an effort to correct the problem, she started eating more healthfully, running, and doing yoga. Lyzz then fell in love with strength training and hasn’t looked back since!
She states, “My friends asked me how I did it. Explaining my journey to them helped me realize this is what I want to do – help others get in the best shape of their lives!”
Lyzz enjoys hiking, reading, listening to live music, sightseeing, and lying on the beach. She specializes in corrective exercise, strength training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and cardiovascular training. Lyzz is currently enrolled in a NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialization Course and looks forward to incorporating the skills she is learning into her work with Excel Fitness clientele.
Health Related Quote:
“Exercise is king and nutrition is queen. Together you have a kingdom.”
– Jack LaLanne, bodybuilder, “Godfather of Fitness”