Tag Archives: stability

The Truth About Core Training

Your “core” in comprised of abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus, and obliques) and the muscles of your lower back. When these muscles contract appropriately, they alert your spine that weight is about to be lifted, requiring proper bracing to maintain alignment and safe, effective movement. Training the core muscles is a crucial component to any strength training or exercise routine, however, like all other muscle groups, your core should be treated with care as well.

While it is safer to work your core more often than other groups, intense abdominal routines should not be performed on concurrent days. Before you lift any weight, check in with your body and ask, “What would my body like from me today?” If your abs or lower back are already talking to you from exercise done earlier in the week, lay off for the day and give them proper time to recover.

If you’re feeling strong and ready to go, try the following move to kick start your core routine:

Plank Tap-out: Begin in a low plank position on your forearms and toes. Begin to tap your feet in right, right, left, left (or whatever pattern feels good to you) for 30-45 seconds. Focus on keeping your ribs moving towards your pelvis and you lower back vertebrae lifting up to maintain space in your spinal column.

For more information on the benefits of core training or to learn some new moves to incorporate into your existing routine, call Excel Fitness at (860) 523-8167 or stop by today and schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our trainers!